Monday, January 17, 2011

365 project Day 3-16!

I was a lil behind but this actually seems easier & faster then everyday! I'm one busy lady! 
If you want to keep up w/the day to day check them out at

Day #3!

Day #4

Day #5

Day #6
Day #7

Day #8
Day #9
Day #10
Day #11

Day #12

Day #13

Day #14

Day #15
Day #16

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2!

I love both of these so I figured I just use both! 
She has no fear & jumps off everything! 
When we went for our walk this cat just walked right up to her! 
She loves animals it's so touching to see her being so caring & loving!  

365 Project Day 1!


Happy New Year!  Can't believe 2010 has come and gone already but here we are at 2011!  
So here's to the year ahead and let's hope it's drama free as can be & full of lots of good luck! =D

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lewis Family

The Lewis Family was my last photo shoot for the 2010 season!  We went to the Athens's Arboretum on Christmas Eve! It was actually pretty nice out! (Only cold when the wind picked up!) 
These were Amy's Sr. 2011 pictures & Family pics for the entire family. Cody lives in Houston w/his mother & Amy is home schooled & living in PA right they wanted to get some pictures done while everyone was in town! 
They were so fun to shoot they were laid back & ready for anything!